The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange allows two strangers who have no prior knowledge about each other to securely establish a secret key that they can use to communicate securely even if all of their messages are being intercepted by an eavesdropper.
In this article, we will learn about the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange and the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. We will describe the six steps of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange at a high level and then work through a brief example of the Key Exchange. We will then describe the five steps of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test and work through a brief example of the algorithm. Next, we will apply what we have learned by creating a Python program that successfully implements the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
Prerequisite Knowledge:
This article assumes that the reader understands concepts such as modular arithmetic and sets, and has a general understanding of Python or a similar programming language. In addition, the following list will be useful when going through this article:
- A pseudoprime is an integer that is probably prime.
- A group is a set with an operation that combines two operands.
- A group’s order is its cardinality. In other words, it describes how many elements it contains.
- The multiplicative group modulo p for a prime p is denoted by (ℤ/pℤ)*. It is the set of order (p-1) with elements {1,2,…,p-1} under the operation multiplication modulo p.
- A generator of the group (ℤ/pℤ)* has order (p-1) modulo q.
- The order of any integer g that is a generator of (ℤ/pℤ)* is the smallest positive y such that g^y = 1 (mod p).
The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange:
The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange involves the following six steps:
- Together, PersonA and PersonB choose a very large pseudoprime p with (p-1)/2 also being pseudoprime. Since the prime factorization of (p-1) is 2((p-1)/2), then any generator of (ℤ/pℤ)* will have the order of a divisor of p-1. That is, each element of (ℤ/pℤ)* has either order of 1, 2, (p-1)/2, or p-1. Next, PersonA and PersonB choose an integer g such that g generates (ℤ/pℤ)*. The process of finding a g that generates (ℤ/pℤ)* involves finding an element of order p-1. If 2 has order (p-1)/2, then g = -2 has order (p-1) modulo p. It is not necessary that g generates (ℤ/pℤ)*, but for security reasons, this is the approach that we will use. If soundness, and not security, is the reader’s greatest objective, then picking a random g such that 1≤g≤p will suffice.
- PersonA secretly chooses an integer n that they don’t tell anyone.
- PersonB secretly chooses an integer m that they don’t tell anyone.
- PersonA computes g^n (mod p) and tells PersonB the resulting integer.
- PersonB computes g^m (mod p) and tells PersonA the resulting integer.
- Both PersonA and PersonB are now able to compute the shared secret key denoted by s:
A Brief Example of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange:
Here we will work through an example of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange where p is a 29-digit integer.
- Let p = 74,406,850,220,820,509,198,642,540,543 and g = 74,406,850,220,820,509,198,642,540,541. Note that p and (p-1)/2 are prime and g is a generator of (ℤ/pℤ)*.
- Let n = 7,160,624,108.
- Let m = 8,460,590,791.
- So, g^n (mod p) = 47,826,684,805,755,333,836,688,086,773.
- So, g^m (mod p) = 1,783,357,463,939,102,724,432,550,267.
- Therefore, s = 9,896,557,491,816,756,391,504,944,966.
Miller-Rabin Primality Test:
Up to this point, we should have a good understanding of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, but how the heck are we supposed to find a 29-digit p that works? Enter the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. This algorithm will tell us whether an integer is pseudoprime or composite. Simply go through the following four steps until a 29-digit pseudoprime is found.
- Let n be a random 29-digit integer.
- Compute the unique integers m and k such that m is odd and n-1 = m(2^k).
- Let a be a random integer such that 1<a<n.
- Let b = a^m (mod n) and 1≤r≤(k-1). If b ≡ ±1 (mod n) or b^(2^r)≡-1(mod n) for any r, then n is pseudoprime. Otherwise, n is composite.
If we want to use a pseudoprime, n, in the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, then we need to check if (n-1)/2 is also pseudoprime. We can check this by simply using a slight variation of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test which is shown below.
- Let x = (n-1)/2.
- Compute the unique integers m and k such that m is odd and x-1 = m(2^k).
- Let a be a random integer such that 1<a<x.
- Let b = a^m (mod x) and 1≤r≤(k-1). If b ≡ ±1 (mod x) or b^(2^r)≡-1(mod x), then x is pseudoprime. Otherwise, x is composite.
A Brief Example of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test:
Here we will work through an example of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test where n and (n-1)/2 are shown to be pseudoprime.
Part 1: Find if n Is Pseudoprime or Composite
- Let n = 24,645,693,377,521,872,504,085,245,467.
- Solving for the unique integers m and k such that n-1 = m(2^k), we find that m = 12,322,846,688,760,936,252,042,622,733 and k = 1.
- Let a = 8,625,146,190,036,362,446,236,062,645.
- Therefore, b = a^m (mod n) = 1. Since 1 modulo n = b modulo n, we can say that b ≡ ±1 (mod n). Therefore, n is pseudoprime.
Part 2: Find if (n-1)/2 Is Pseudoprime or Composite
- Let x = (n-1)/2 = 12,322,846,688,760,936,252,042,622,733.
- Solving for the unique integers m and k such that x-1 = m(2^k), we find that m = 3,080,711,672,190,234,063,010,655,683 and k = 2.
- Let a = 4,658,103,515,624,502,847,038,292,640.
- Therefore, b = a^m (mod x) = 1. Since 1 modulo x = b modulo x, we can say that b ≡ ±1 (mod x). Therefore, x=(n-1)/2 is pseudoprime.
Bringing It All Together: An Example in Python of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Which Utilizes the Miller-Rabin Primality Test:
We will now implement the aforementioned key exchange and algorithm in Python.
The Miller-Rabin Primality Test in Python
Below is a brief description of each function in the proceeding code which will return a pseudoprime p such that (p-1)/2 is also pseudoprime when the chooseP() function is called.
- powerTests(a, m, n, k): This is step 4 of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. We first set b equal to a^m (mod n) by utilizing the Python pow(base, exponent, modulus) function. From here, we realize that if b ≡ ±1 (mod n), then b equals 1 or n-1. If this is the case, then n is pseudoprime and we return True to indicate this finding. Otherwise, if the pseudoprimality of n has not been determined yet, then we iterate over all possible values of r and check if b^(2^r)≡-1(mod n) by utilizing the Python pow(base, exponent, modulus) function. Note that if this is the case, then b^(2^r) = n-1. So, if b^(2^r)≡-1(mod n) for any r, then n is pseudoprime and we return True to indicate this finding. Otherwise, we return False.
- computeMandK(n): This is step 2 of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. We start by initializing m and k such that m = n-1 and k = 0. Note that with these initial values of m and k, the equation n-1 = m(2^k) is satisfied. However, m may not be odd, so we enter a while loop and update the values of m and k until m is odd. Note that by adding 1 to k and by dividing m by 2 on each loop iteration, the equation n-1 = m(2^k) continues to be satisfied.
- generateRandomInt(lowerBound, upperBound): This function is used to choose p and a, thus it is steps 1 and 3 of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. Returns a random integer Z such that lowerBound≤Z≤upperBound.
- MRPrimalityTest(): Continues to perform the Miller-Rabin Primality Test on random 29-digit integers until a pseudoprime is found.
- isPrime(n): Performs the Miller-Rabin Primality Test on (p-1)/2.
- chooseP(): This is the main function from which all other functions stem from. It ensures that a pseudoprime is found that can be used for the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. That is, p and (p-1)/2 are pseudoprime. It also ensures that 2 has order (p-1)/2.
Simulating PersonA and PersonB With a Person Object:
To implement the remaining steps of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, we need to somehow represent PersonA and PersonB so that tasks such as choosing secret integers n and m, computing and sharing g^n (mod p) and g^m (mod p), and computing the shared secret key s are possible. We will achieve this by creating a Person class that will be used to create the objects personA and personB. Here is a brief description of the data members and methods of the Person class:
Data Members:
- p: The agreed upon pseudoprime which was found using the Miller-Rabin Primality Test.
- g: The agreed upon integer which has the same order as (ℤ/pℤ)* and 1<g<p.
- _secretInt: For personA, this is n and for personB this is m.
- intToShare: The integer that they share with the other person.
- intFromOtherPerson: The integer that was shared by the other person.
- _sharedSecretKey: The shared secret key s.
- __init__(self, p, g): Initialize all data members.
- chooseSecretInt(self): Secretly choose a random integer. For personA, this is n and for personB, this is m.
- setIntFromOtherPerson(self, intFromOtherPerson): Takes the integer that the other person shared as a parameter and sets the data member intFromOtherPerson equal to this parameter.
- computeIntToShare(self): Helper function for sendInt(self). Computes and returns g^(_secretInt) (mod p) by using the Python pow(g, _secretInt, p) function.
- sendInt(self): Returns the integer to share with the other person.
- computeSharedSecretKey(self): Computes the shared secret key and stores it in its _sharedSecretKey data member.
Performing the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange:
Below is a working example of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange that utilizes all of the code that we have previously talked about. The program imports the Person class and the chooseP() function from The program then chooses p and g according to the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange requirements. PersonA and PersonB are then created and they each choose a secret key. Each person then sends and receives a computed integer corresponding to steps 4 and 5 of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. Finally, each person computes s and the result is printed to the console.
A sample output of the preceding program shows that our implementation of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange was successful!
Agreed upon p = 52715485256194169359137162299
Agreed upon g = 52715485256194169359137162297
PersonA secretly computes g^n (mod p) = 40768582547499338665116868709
PersonB secretly computes g^m (mod p) = 43084512410369395738880134222
PersonA computes s = 44150840871111848693028463930
PersonB computes s = 44150840871111848693028463930
Stein, William. Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets. 2017.